Friday, June 10, 2011

Saw Grace today . . . . you haven't been blogging she says!

Hmmm . . .  what is there to say?

GG has her grad banquet tomorrow night.  Her father grew out of his suit and needed to get new clothes, of course he waits until this morning to go do this.  He didn't try his suit on until last night.  SIGH  . . . . 

He has been watching and listening to us (or perhaps not) get ready for the past couple of weeks, making sure we have all the things GG needs, including hair cuts and such. Yet, he forgets to check his own clothes.
Its either jeans, sweats, or shorts. No dress pants.  To be honest there is not a huge requirement for them in his life.  But, he's 53 years old and should have new clothes that fit and look nice. Adult. 

I am learning about my Sits bones  and how uneven they feel. Like one side is way heavier or "deeper" into the chair.  I was looking up the Sits bones and realizing that we really can ground ourselves with the sit bone.

I know what does this all mean?  It means I am trying to heal my body!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Tight hamstrings, sore knees, really what does it take?  GOD SEND ME SOMEONE WHO CAN HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!

I love the books I am reading these days. Completely out of the norm, anything by Susan Addison Allen, she's awesome. She really understands relationships with ourselves and our families (mothers in particular!) 

There is really so much going on in my hear its kind of hard to get it all down on paper, or key pad as it maybe. 

I just continue to grown and learn. Become the Child of God I hope to be.

Love and Light and A Lighter Sky

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