A beam of sunlight is on me at this very moment. A cup of tea steeping, the slight buzz of Husbands computer, the gurgle of the coffee pot, I wish I liked coffee because it smells so lovely. The gentle rhythms of morning.
I had the most amazing experience last night. I went to my Feldenkrais instructor (FI) and when she finished working on my body, and in particular around my knee I started to smile and then burst into laughter. It was amazing. The biggest happiest joy filled, absolutely delighted laughter. I have had that one other time in a group situation with a soul coach and it was about moving about easily in my mind. I had placed myself in certain spots as she described and then I started to laugh in delight. I stopped myself in the group because it felt odd,however, I was able to stay with it last night. She started to laugh with me. It was great. I could not help myself. I do have moments when I practice Feldenkrais that I start to smile without knowing why. It is a sense in my body of "ah ha" this is where we want to be, a connectedness.
So, what I realized is this: we know we can tap into pockets of sadness and despair pretty damn quickly. Well,I am here to tell you that there are pockets of laughter, joy and delight. SO GO OUT AND FIND THEM PEOPLE, OR JUST SIMPLY TUNE INTO THE BODY AND ALLOW THEM! What fun!
Please pray for my knee, and Walt's knee and Brent's ankle surgery. Yeeeesh.
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