I love this week of tears, joys and riding the waves of it all. Miracles surround me, and it's all good, and I am so teary through it all. Everything is on the surface and I am just holding on and embracing all around me.
The sun is shining and the sky is so blue, the green of the trees, plants, grass just glows in all the sun. Going to work this morning and driving down Chesterfield and seeing the calm blue water and the reflection of the city in the ocean, the gentle air, and the peace filled sky. It was wonderous!
I am grateful its Friday, and I may rest. I am grateful that my body and mind are tired and I get to rest, and feel a sense of accomplishment, achievement and worthwhile efforts for the week.
I just finished watchin Dr. Oz while waiting to watch Oprah (I am filling up on the last few shows, even though I haven't watched it in months and months) Anyways, Dr. Oz had a fast food diet and went through different fast food joints and broke down fat grams, calories, etc. Two women eat on it for a week and loose 7 plus pounds in a week. WHAT! I eat blue green algea, super foods, no bread, no chocolate, no sugar, fruits, veggies, exercise, and my weight stays the same!!!!!!!!!!!
Then I watch Oprah and her favorite guest ever, Terrai, has just come on. In two decades she went from being 11 years old a child bride, in Zimbabwe, with 3 children by 19, to a holder of a PHD. Her husband beat her, she has several children, achieved her bachelor degree, her masters and the PHD. Her mother told her to write down her dreams and bury them. Which she did and put a rock over them. She all her dreams she achieved. She was forbidden to go to school as a girl child in her village. She continued to believed.
See, believe, achieve. As I sit here in my pity pot, the story of Mattie and his life as a peace leader, and poet who died at 13 years old, who is being considered for saint hood, his mother still alive even though she has MS, which she passed unknowingly to each of her children and they have all died, and she still remains, in faith pursuing each day. Or the beautiful young woman burned alive in a car crash after a drunk teenager drove into her. She battles depression and still continues to live each day. Knowing that she is still the same on the inside, after 120 surgeries.
Okay Col, stop being so hard on myself, being a debby downer, so hard and mean on myself. Instead of being loving and kind towards myself. And why are we all so hard on ourselves. We would never ever treat a best friend like that. Why do we treat ourselves like that?
Love and Light
A super natural message.
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