Monday, June 24, 2013

I just went back and read a post from 2 years ago.  Wow, these journeys we take and how long we are at them. What we think is just happening now, has been happening for some time and the foundations laid for healing. 

Its quite interesting.

The last time I posted was . . . who knows?! I had to look at old sent emails to a friend to find the link even!


Anyways, its time to start posting. To journal again.  Not necessarily for the world to see but for me to see.

Reading 4-Hour Body.  Eating 4-Hour Body.  Doing 4-Hour Body. 4HB.
Slow Carb Diet - SCD.  I like acronyms.

Weighing myself each day, eating tons of food.   So liberating. I have no guilt when I eat. I eat with a present mind and body.  The shifts have been subtle but there. Love it.  I feel more present in life in general. I like that!

Cheat day. Did all that I was supposed to and felt like puking at one point. When you don't eat carbs and that do.  WHOA!  By evening I was so sleepy it felt like I had drugged myself. Which is what I did.

Monday, the worst headache ever.  I felt so anxious and upset. I wanted to cry, deeply cry for no reason. I was actually quite frightened. Interesting response to food.  Especially as I have only been eating SCD for a week!

Knitting, watching Kingdom, swimming, watching the rain.  Its all good.