Sunday, June 5, 2011

Biology of Belief - Bruce Lipton PhD

I have to say its a bit slow reading in some spots. Only because I don't necessarily "get" the meat of the matter.
However, I do get that our cells are governed by our environment, or our perception of environment. Limbic system, cells, proteins.  This book is quite something and relates to Quantum Mechanics as well.

I am looking to see how our brains work our bodies.  I like to understand how my body works and my brain and why.

Derek Sivers is a blogger and musician and business man and he recently posted on the concept of learning.

"I'm addicted to learning.  Trying to figure out the ways of the world.  Trying to understand how other people think, how I think, and how to bridge the gap.

They say there are a few stages of learning:

   1. unconscious incompetence
   2. conscious incompetence   (<-- me)
   3. conscious competence
   4. unconscious competence

This past year I've been mostly publicly silent because I hit stage #2.  I'm overwhelmed with how much I don't know.  I feel like a novice at everything.  This is daunting but good."  Derek Sivers

He then went on to ask if anyone would like to ask him one questions. Noting that he realized that he was leaving himself wide open.

I pondered a question and shipped it off. Will be interesting to see if he posts it.

"What is your personal intent behind seeking knowledge/learning?"

Because I know some of mine.  What about you?  What is your reasons for learning. Mine are often based in my lack of self esteem.  I want to show or prove that I can do things, so I strive for perfection. If I learn enough I could be perfect.  I am starting to realize that that is based on misinformation.

"Endowed with the ability to be self-reflective, the self-conscious mind is extremely powerful. It can observe any programmed behavior we are engaged in, evaluate the behavior, and consciously decide to change the program. We can actively choose how to respond to most environmental signals and whether we even want to respond at all.  The conscious mind's capacity to override the subconscious mind's pre-programmed behaviors is the foundation of free will.

However, our special gift comes with a special pitfall.  While almost all organisms have to actually experience the stimuli of life first-hand, the human brain's ability to "learn" perceptions is so advanced that we can actually acquire perceptions indirectly from teachers.  Once we accept the perceptions of others as "truths", their perceptions become hardwired into our own brains, becoming our "truths." Here's where the problem arises:  what if our teacher's perceptions are inaccurate?  In such cases, our brains are then down-loaded with misperceptions.  The subconscious mind is strictly a stimulus-response playback device; there is no "ghost" in that part of the "machine" to ponder the long-term consequences of the programs we engage.  The subconscious works only in the "now."  Consequently, programmed misperceptions in our subconscious mind are not "monitored" and will habitually engage us in inappropriate and limiting behaviours.
The Biology of Belief - Bruce H. Lipton -PhD

"At the same time that I was studying the mechanics of the cell's brain and gaining insight into the operation of the human brain, Candace Pert was studying the human brain and becom ing aware of the mechanics of hte cell's brain.  In Molecules of Emotion, Per revealed how her stud of information-processing receptors on nerve cell membranes led her to discover that the same "neural" receptors were present on most, if not all, of the body's cells. Her elegant experiments established that the "mind" was not focused int he head but was distributed via signal molecules to the whole body.  As importantly, her owrk emphasized that hte emotions were not only derived through a feedback of the body's environment information. Through self-consciousness, the mind can used hte brain to generate "molecules of emotion" and override the system. While proper use of consciouses can bring health to an ailing body, inappropriate unconscious control of emotions can easily make a healthy body diseased, at topic I will expand upon in Chapters 6 and 7. Molecules of Emotion is a very insightful book describing the scientific discovery process."  The Biology of Belief - Lipton PhD.

I am still processing all of this.  I think I look at these things and try to seek a magic bullet that will show me the error of my ways. There must be something here to explain why I am the loser I am.  Why I cannot seem to make the changes necessary in my body and brain to be healthy and happy, to have financial security.

To create the very life I say I want and truly I do want it.  However my self concept based on another lies, "programming" is the very thing that is stopping me.  The two don't go together.

Again, not mother bashing here, just stating!  The repeated rants of how awful I was, fat, ugly, loser, unable to manage anything.  I was a terrible selfish person who could not manage her way through anything.  These rants would last for long periods of time and be repeated frequently. As I have blogged before, a friend was witness to one, and asked me why I "took" it.  My head hanging, silent huge tears of shame dropping, my long hair hanging down to hide my shame and ugliness.  I am basing my perception of who I am today based on my mother's insanity.  Who does that to their child?  I am sitting here crying with huge tears of burning shame running down my face.  No wonder I stay stuck in the fat. She never ever wanted me to succeed or be more beautiful or successful than her. I know this, I have realized this so very long ago, however, HOW DO I LET GO? How do I re-program?  I think its a matter of just getting out and "doing" it.  I am sorry for my mother and saddened.  She had so many talents and gifts and when she was in her right mind she really was lovely. She just wasn't there often. Never a child's birthday party. Ever.  The one party she did have for me was so formal and uncomfortable I couldn't even eat. I was staying with my sister and she took me to the house for it. Sister planned the whole thing.  Bless you sister.  On Thursday this week we had our last Brown Bag Lunch and after 16 years of doing this, I was presented with the most beautiful cake and planter and card signed with well wishes and sang "for she's a jolly good fellow"  it was LOVELY.  And I relished it. It was uncomfortable in the beginning but I stuck with it. How insane is that?  Being feted and being uncomfortable. Insane.  I have the right to love, light and happiness, to healthy and bounty.  I have the right to be surrounded by my friends and family and not isolated away because I am sick and fat and ugly and might make others around me uncomfortable.  My mother was a mind F***!  

So, just go do. Push past the lies and breath. Love the life I have. Which truly I do.

More to come as I get to chapters 6 and 7.

Love and Light, and all that Sunshine!

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