Thursday, June 2, 2011

Conversations with Bunny or The Past Present and Future

Two days ago it was tea and a beam of sun.  Its raining and the clouds are back down to the ground, still have my tea though! : )

Had a phenomenal phone conversation with Bunny yesterday. She's awesome!   She's working through her stuff figuring out life and living loving and laughing along the way. I love her!

We spoke of so many things (2 hours worth) Husband's comment "how many batteries have you gone through"
(gee that could go a couple of different ways couldn't it?) 

Anyways, we were talking about sabotaging ourselves and what that multi-faceted little gem looks like from day to day. Depending on whats going on, where our head is, remember is multi-facted.  Her sabo was the day before and we were speaking of where she was and who she was with and the experience they were having. Which was lovely by the way.   Her mind started to travel and she went from her place of beauty with her companion to kids, money, errands, and then worries about money, kids and errands.  Not fair!

So I explained Eckert Tolle as I understand about the ego, I am not even going to give it a big E, however, that's my ego too.  The ego loves to self perpetuate itself in these journeys of worry, fret, turmoil. It goes to the past and forward to the future pacing back and forth. However, it cannot live in the present.  As I was explaining my understanding of this (simplified here, Eckert has it down pat) I truly realized: 

If I live in the Present the ego cannot be present, the ego exists only in the past and the future, and there is no past and future there is only the Present.


Live in the Present, be in the Present, we are the Present, it is the only thing that exists is the moment.  There is no past and there is no future.  Yes, we do have our ego based past and future, and yes we do have the future to plan for, however, the day to day living is the Present.  Treat it like a present, admire the wrapping paper and bow, look at the card it came with, savor the tape coming off, or maybe you are a ripper, and just enjoy the present.   

My day is rainy and grey skied again, however, I have a lap top and I can blog and friends do want to read it.
I have friends and loved ones, I have my tea, my health and the Love of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
I have my husband who loves me and my children, beautiful wool to knit, and a great community to be in.
Boy's team won their first play off tournament last night and get to play on.  The Canucks won, I am so happy for my husband.  I have medication for my sore knee, and pray it will work and I won't have an allergic reaction. I have a medical plan, and dr.'s to access, gas in my car, food a plenty.  Brent is on Work Safe and we are blessed for that as we wait for his surgery.  We are blessed. 

We live in the Present.

PS  I went back to reread the post noticing how I wrote "we are the Present", and truly "We are the Present", we are the gift the being the thing that is the Present.  We physically cannot live in the past or future, we can only BE in the Present, literally.  Also, as humans and children of God we are the Present, so treat our selves with care. Even now the ego is saying are you brave enough to post this - what do you know - is it just your ego talking?  The ego is really interesting when you realize what it is.  I believe God is speaking and not in the Waco way by the way, but, in just what is my truth for me today. 

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