Thursday, July 14, 2011

My back again

Why is it when I do something good for my body I get hurt?  Can someone please explain this to me? Why?

I had a great work out going and then tweaked my back and my discs are all cranky again. And cranky wouldn't even be close to what would cover this discomfort.  NOT FAIR.  I am whinging just so we are all clear.

And I am trying not to panic as we have a ton of stuff coming up in our lives and I am so frightened about my back. 

So . . .  please help me by praying that I will stay in each day and that my back will heal quickly. Thankfully the physio was able to see me yesterday!  I have work and I am not sure how I am going to manage as I am already off with my knee for my other classes.  WHAT IS GOING ON?! 

God please reveal to me what I am to do. Your will please.

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